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Schedule – Financing for the implementation of the Action Plan

The Secrétariat du Québec aux relations canadiennes (SQRC) will receive $2,400,000 in additional funding in 2018-2019 for the implementation of the Action Plan under the Policy on Québec Affirmation and Canadian Relations.

Policy orientation 1: adopt a proactive domestic diplomacy in Québec's Canadians Relations – $965,000

  • An amount of $875,000 will enable the addition of nine staff members to strengthen the SQRC's strategic analysis capacity and to coordinate the activities of the Réseau des responsables des unités administratives de relations canadiennes (Network of Canadian Relations Administrative Units), to design monitoring tools in the area of Canadian relations, and to improve Québec representation within Canada.
  • An amount of $90,000 will be used to establish a training program in Canadian relations for Québec public servants, in collaboration with ENAP, and to set up internships for public servants with other provinces and territories to promote a better mutual understanding.

Policy orientation 2: foster dialogue between the government of Québec and the representatives of civil society elsewhere in Canada – $460,000

An amount of $185,000 will be dedicated to:

  • four missions by the Premier of Québec to other parts of Canada;
  • fifteen missions by the Minister responsible for Canadian Relations and the Canadian Francophonie to other parts of Canada;
  • fifteen missions by other Québec government ministers to other parts of Canada;
  • fifteen instances of participation by Québec public service representatives in seminars, forums and conventions in other parts of Canada.

Québec will also increase its support for the Canadian Francophonie:

  • An amount of $175,000 is added to the Intergovernmental Cooperation Program (Programme de coopération intergouvernementale) under which Québec provides support, along with the other provinces and territories, for initiatives in the areas of culture and communications, education, economic development and healthcare, among others. The activities supported by this program consist mainly in exchanges between civil society groups and government representatives in the cooperation areas targeted by the participating governments. The increase in funding will bring the total amount available for this program to $1,179,300.
  • An amount of $100,000 will be added to the Support Program for the Canadian Francophonie (Programme d’appui en francophonie canadienne), bringing the total amount available to $1,233,500. By helping communities carry out initiatives to consolidate the status of the French language, the Program encourages joint actions by Quebecers and Francophones elsewhere in Canada to enhance the promotion and affirmation of Francophone presence and raise profile and influence of the Canadian Francophonie throughout the country.

Policy orientation 3: facilitate interactions between citizens and civil society groups in Québec and elsewhere in canada – $975,000

  • An amount of $350,000 will go towards gathering and disseminating knowledge that contributes to a better understanding of Québec and of its Canadian relations under the new Research Support Program (Programme d’appui à la recherche), which was set up to expand the scope of the Research Support Program on Intergovernmental Affairs and Québec Identity. The increase in funding will bring the total amount available to $700,000.
  • An amount of $350,000 will be used to implement the Canadian Relations Support Program (Programme d’appui aux relations canadiennes). The Program will seek to support participation by Québec experts in activities throughout in Canada and in civil society initiatives, and to promote dialogue and initiatives that bring citizens closer together (discussion forums, exchanges of youth leaders, etc.).
  • An additional funding of $275,000 will be granted to the Centre de la francophonie des Amériques (CFA) to ensure the continuation of the Réseau des villes francophones et francophiles d’Amérique. Established by the cities of Québec, Moncton and Lafayette, this network seeks to promote the culture, economy and tourist industry of the Francophone and Francophile communities in the Americas. The network includes over 140 cities, more than half of which are located in Canada. Given its close ties to citizens, cities and municipalities, the network has significant potential as a tool for promoting the Francophonie in Canada. The increase in funding will bring the total CFA budget to $2,378,700 for 2018-2019.