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It’s time to submit your projects! Our 2019 call for proposals, “Citizen Dialogue”, has been officially launched!

4 septembre 2019

Call for Proposals - Autumn 2019

Creation or reinforcement of pan-Canadian structures or networks involving the participation of an organisation from Québec

The Secrétariat du Québec aux relations canadiennes (SQRC) is inviting civil society organisations throughout Québec and Canada to submit grant proposals to the Canadian Relations Support Program. Now open, the Program seeks to offer support to activities set up by Québec and other Canadian civil society organisations. These may be bilateral, multilateral, or pan-Canadian in nature.

A call for proposals is currently open for Tier 2 of the program: Citizen Dialogue.

Tier 2, Citizen Dialogue, provides support primarily to projects that seek to establish or strengthen pan-Canadian structures or networks which facilitate collaboration and exchange (for example, citizen forums, summer schools, pan-Canadian networks, etc.) We welcome all projects on any theme that aim to achieve these objectives. However, we will give particular attention to those projects which explain how they are compatible with the priorities of the Government of Québec. These are:

  • Sustainable development: Increasing prosperity whilst respecting the environment
  • Education: Giving children the means to reach their full potential
  • Health: Taking care of the health of all Québécois

Projects must be submitted by the 9th of October 2019.

For more information concerning the Program, the types of projects supported, and the procedure for submitting an application for funding, please see the Web page for the Program. OOrganizations wishing to submit an application for funding are asked to use the form available on our website (in French only)

The PARC program also has another tier, Tier 1: Exchange of Expertise, for which organizations wishing to submit a proposal may continue to do so at any time. This other tier of the program provides support primarily for exchanges of expertise between experts from Québec and experts from elsewhere in Canada. We aim to encourage the creation of activities that contribute to the transfer of expertise between Québec and the other provinces and territories, as well as promoting expertise from within Québec. These activities may take place in Québec or in Canada. This tier of the program accepts proposals throughout the year. 

Questions or requests for information should be addressed to the Direction de la Francophonie, de la réflexion stratégique et des affaires publiques canadiennes.

Phone: 418 528-7915 #5236