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Update: Québec's positions on constitutional and intergovernmental issues, 2001 to 2018

10 juin 2019

An update describing Québec's positions on constitutional and intergovernmental issues from 2001 to 2018, (Positions du Québec dans les domaines constitutionnel et intergouvernemental), is now available in French.

The new version covers the following periods:

  • The second term of the government of Jean Charest (2008-2012)
  • The government of Pauline Marois (2012-2014)
  • The government of Philippe Couillard (2014-2018)

The reference document lists and describes the positions and recommendations defined by successive Québec governments with respect to Québec's constitutional powers and issues of an intergovernmental nature.

These historic positions, stated for the purpose of defending Québec's higher interests, constitute the thread that links the intergovernmental policies pursued by all Québec governments. They still guide Québec's actions in its Canadian intergovernmental relations today.

Formulated with a view to defending Québec's best interests, these historical positions represent a common thread running through the intergovernmental policies adopted by successive Québec governments. They still serve as a frame of reference for guiding Québec in its intergovernmental relations with other entities in Canada.

The previous version covered the period 1936-2001 and is available as Québec's Positions on Constitutional and Intergovernmental Issues from 1936 to March 2001.